We target primarily 100K+ followers on Facebook and other social media stuff.

The most prevalent and thriving age group in the city is the 5 years onwards category. With technology and the internet at their disposal, this group spends very little time on the available print media options. This is set to change with the advent of Divya Time India.

The circulation drive is an integrated and continuous program through direct marketing efforts, incentivizing channels, cross promotions, activations, etc Divya Time India is available on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, WhatsApp, Flickr, YouTube etc.

Apart from this, Divya Time India is also backed by a massive outdoor campaign and innovative tie-ups are made to increase visibility and brand value.

Divya Time India is the only online media with centric content, resulting in focused spends for an advertiser. We offer our clients an array of advertising solutions, on just a phone call away.

Reasons why you should advertise with us :

1. We make sure your advertisement doesn’t look like an advertisement.
2. We design the most creative advertisement and branding campaigns.
3. We prefer term brand endorsement over advertising.
4. We can provide you filtered audience for your brand promotion.

Convinced? Lets check out our advertising options :

  • Sponsored Articles
  • Ad Space on our website
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Contests and events
  • Video/Short film promotion

Make your Brand famous ? with Divya Time India! Call us on +7009310839